Minister for Communities Launches Narrative Future Call for Future Screens NI

The Minister for Communities, Carál Ní Chuilín and Professor Cathy Gormley Heenan, Deputy Vice Chancellor at Ulster University launched the Future Screens NI Narrative Futures Call on Tuesday 3rd of November.  Successful applicants will have access to up to £5,000 for innovations addressing the challenges of Covid-19.

Minister Ní Chuilín praised local creative industries stating that “The Creative Industries have demonstrated immense courage, resilience and creativity during the ongoing crisis in spite of the hardship that many of you have experienced.  This Narrative Futures Call offers you the opportunity to access funding for much needed innovations to address the challenges of the ongoing Covid-19 Crisis.”.  The Minister ended her speech by wishing applicants .  The Minister  noted the important work of Future Screens NI in building collaborative partnership stating that” There is no doubt that Future Screens NI have played an important role in stimulating collaboration across the creative industries, arts, communities and wider sectors.”

Professor Cathy Gormley Heenan thanked the creative industries for “Playing a vital success of the region providing innovation, technology, research, capability and skills that are essential to and driving economic prosperity even within times of crisis”.  In particular Professor Gormley Heenan recognised that “ Future Screens NI together with all of you within the creative industries have provided an incredible example of both resilience and excellence during Covid-19.  Each and every one of you are to be commended for your creativity, innovation and community building throughout the ongoing crisis.”

The Call Closes for applications at 12pm on the 4th of December 2020.

Attendees were also treated to the premiere of "The Virus and Me" by Jordan Whitefield, Solene Guichard and The Chinese Welfare Association.

watch it here: